New board chairman at REWE

Publié le par Stéphane Jeanneteau

As expected, Heinz-Bert Zander, CEO of Rewe Group's regional branch Rewe Dortmund Großhandels eG, has been elected new chairman of the supervisory board of the co-operative retailer. Mr Zander follows Dr. Klaus Burghard who resigned from his office in mid-February prematurely, to clear also the way for a "generational change in the supervisory board following the previous changes to the management board membership". At the occasion of an extraordinary shareholder's meeting held on 14 March in Cologne, Frank Morgenstern, CEO of the trading cooperative Für Sie, was also appointed to the supervisory board of Rewe-Zentral AG besides Heinz-Bert Zander. At an extraordinary meeting of Rewe Zentralfinanz eG, Fritz Aupperle, a Rewe independent retailer from Fellbach and CEO of Rewe Genossenschaft South/Southwest, was elected to the supervisory body in addition to Zander.

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