ALCAMPO reports surge in 2006 Fairtrade sales

Publié le par Stéphane Jeanneteau

In Spain hypermarket chain Alcampo (owned by Auchan) has reported that it has increased its Fairtrade sales by 76% during 2006, selling 127,100 units with a total value of EUR234,600 (USD296,601). Alcampo has been offering Fairtrade products since 2002, when it started collaborating with Intermón Oxfam, from which all Fairtrade products come from except Malongo coffee. Increasing demand has favoured the offering of new items such as whole-wheat rice, sugar, cocoa cream fondant, etc. Also, in order to improve the awareness of the products and the concept of Fairtrade, Alcampo carried out the special promotion “15 days of Fairtrade” in November 2006 for the third consecutive year.

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